Country Garden in Marcha Cross Stitch Pattern by Country Garden Stitchery
Country Garden Stitchery
Cross Stitch Patterns
Specialty Floss Patterns:
Specialty Floss Patterns
The Garden
Stitch Count
67w x 68h
Project Size
4.8" x 4.9" on 28cnt (over 2)
Gentle Art Sampler Floss
28 ct. white linen
Mill Hill seed beads #03051
Designed By:
Cathie Richardson
copyright: 2006
Pattern Supplies:
Apricot Blush
Butternut Squash
Wichelt Imports 28ct Cashel Linen, White (13" x 18")
Note: There are 9 total suplies...
About this item
Bright yellow and subtle peach daint wildflowers pop up among the clover. Hints of pink with phlox preparing to bloom and a few four leaf clover for luck! This is one pattern in a set of twelve; one for each month of the year. Each pattern has a little garden or flower design and all measure the same size for easy finishing with framing or sewing.
Once again, Country Garden, it's difficult to read and follow symbols on the grid. I keep doing them, love the designs.
by: Lisbeth J on 10/26/2023
by: Linda on 8/6/2015
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