Judaic Stained Glassa Cross Stitch Pattern by Kooler Design Studio

Stitch Count
197w x 196h
Project Size
14.1" x 14" on 14cnt
White 14ct. Aida
Designed By:
Nancy Rossi
copyright: Kooler Design Studio, Inc
About this item
Sacred symbols of Judaism are incorporated into this beautiful stained glass style design and it is the perfect gift for special occasions and religious milestones. The unique versatility of this design is that it is suitable for those who wish to needlepoint or cross-stitch. The model was stitched with DMC floss on 18-count needlepoint canvas for use as a tallit bag, a perfect Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift for someone special. Ideas for finishing include: pillows, matzo covers, tallit bags, challah covers or framed as a wall hanging to be given as anniversary or wedding gifts that will be handed down from generation to generation.

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