Willmott: Rosa Hemisphaericaa Cross Stitch Pattern by PinoyStitch

Stitch Count
130w x 182h
Project Size
9.3" x 13" on 14cnt
14 Count Aida
Designed By:
Ellen Willmott/ The Genus Rosa
About this item
Vintage rose paintings lovingly converted into cross stitch patterns from illustrations by Alfred Parsons in one of the finest flower book of the 20th century, "The Genus Rosa."

Cross Stitch Pattern: Rosa Hemisphaerica
Design Source: Ellen Willmott/ The Genus Rosa
DMC Colors: 23
Stitch Count: 130 x 182
Approximate Finished Size on Recommended Fabric:* 14 count = 9 w x 13h Inches
16 count = 8w x 11 h Inches
18 count = 7w x 10 h Inches
22 count = 6w x 8h Inches

*Pattern sizes do not include margins. Ideally you should add 3" on all sides. Uses full cross stitches only.

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